Week Five: Go-to Stir-Fry

I’ve been given a wok. Which means that everything appears as though it has potential to become something asian. This week I had a gluten-free, grain-free friend coming to visit, and our pick up included these lovely items…..

IMG_2840[1]So stir-fry was the obvious choice. A few notes about the go-to stir-fry: 1. Just throw in whatever you have! This time I tried garlic scapes, and they were delicious! A great alternative to green beans, with more flavor. 2. Be sure to cook each vegetable separately in a little bit of oil…it will take a few minutes more, but is well worth it considering each vegetable has it’s own cooking time. (Unless you’re a huge fan of mushy peapods and raw carrots in the same dish.)



3. After the veggies are cooked, add your choice of protein (I scrambled eggs) and then pour on your sauce (I picked up on this order of operations by watching the culinary wizards at Mongolian BBQ. In all seriousness, though, adding liquid while stir-frying creates a steamed product, instead of a flash-cooked one, learned that lesson several times over.) My sauce was pretty basic: tamari (soy), sesame oil, rice vinegar, ginger, garlic and sriracha.



And then I garnished with some sauteed shrimp and cashews….we tripled up the protein sources since she isn’t able to do rice.

IMG_2849[1] That’s it for this week, friends! Perhaps next week will bring less culinary laziness. 🙂




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